ring-bangle-bracelet ring-bangle-bracelet ring-bangle-bracelet ring-bangle-bracelet


  • Bracelet
  • Open ended loop bangle bracelet with ring dial
  • Material: Metal
  • Other Details
  • Weight: 36 g

Code: I6306BR-FRE-GDN

Ring Bangle Bracelet

Regular price
Rs. 1,199
Regular price
Rs. 1,199
Sale price
Rs. 1,199


  • Bracelet
  • Open ended loop bangle bracelet with ring dial
  • Material: Metal
  • Other Details
  • Weight: 36 g

Code: I6306BR-FRE-GDN

Care Instructions

Store your accessories away from direct sunlight. Avoid contact with skincare products and perfumes.


Actual colors of the product may vary from the colors being displayed on your device.

Other Colors